How We Control Pests in Our Home

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Pests can be a serious problem for any homeowner, as they not only cause damage but can also spread germs and diseases. While you should definitely call a pest control service to address a major infestation, there are a few things that you can do to help keep your home pest-free.

1. Ensure All Food is Stored in Secure Containers

The number one reason pests enter your home is because they can smell food. They have incredibly powerful olfactory senses that allow them to detect even the smallest bits of food, so the best way to prevent them from gaining access to your home is to make sure all of your food is stored in securely sealed containers.

2. Maintain a Clean Environment inside the House

Another way that pests get into your home is because they are attracted to a dirty and damp environment. That’s why it’s important to regularly wipe down counters, stove-tops and drawers throughout your kitchen. This can go a long way in reducing the number of pests you have around, as it will deter them from nesting in these areas.

3. Regularly Vaccum Your House

When you’re vacuuming your home, be sure to pick up any and all debris that can serve as a food source or nesting area for pests. This includes furniture, books, toys and anything else that may be lying around. You should also thoroughly vacuum and disinfect any closets that are rarely used, as pests like to nest in these cluttered areas.

4. Clean up Your Yard

Before pests can find their way into your home, they’ll have to set up shop outside. In order to help reduce their numbers, it’s a good idea to remove any dead or dying plants in your garden, remove any woodpiles and trim down tall weeds and bushes.

5. Removing Points of Entry

A lot of pests need small holes or openings to gain entry into your home. These openings can come from the foundation, roof, siding or utility lines. Inspect these areas regularly for any cracks or gaps and seal them up. If you have any open holes, repair them and replace any broken windows or doors to keep pests out.

6. Biological Methods of Pest Control

Biological pest control is a more natural approach to pest control, as it relies on live organisms instead of chemicals. This method is generally less expensive and less harmful to people and the environment than chemical products.

7. Using Natural Pesticides

There are a number of pesticide options available to homeowners, including organic ones. These sprays, gels and powders are designed to kill pests without harming other living creatures or the environment. They can be effective for light infestations, but if you’re dealing with a large pest problem, it may be necessary to use a more toxic product.

8. Keeping the Outdoors Squeaky Clean

Cleaning out all of your outdoor storage areas, such as sheds and garages, is essential to preventing pest infestations. These areas are often the first place that pests set up shop, and they can be a prime breeding ground for insects and rodents.

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Austin Hayes

Austin Hayes